Tuesday 9 January 2024

What's coming up this year ...

A favourite pic, Babacombe
January is a time of year to reflect on the recently ended year and to look forward to whatever the future months might bring.  2023 was a very busy roller-coaster of a year for me.  

There were fantastic highs, Shetland Noir, publication of my books and stories, for example, but there were also some crushing lows, the sudden and unexpected death of an old friend, the serious illness of another long-time friend and the various bits of bad news that seemed to dog me for the final half of last year.  So, it is with some sadness and a little trepidation that I approach this new year of 2024.

The things I can control, this blog, my books, and my travel, are easy. I'm working on the first in a new series of crime stories, and I'm hoping to get the book published later this year.  A new case for Jacques to solve is already being plotted and planned, and that will be out towards the end of the year.  The fourth in the seasonal Paths anthologies will also be published in 2024.  So look out for that, too.

Here on the blog, you can expect book reviews, author interviews and more travel-related pieces.  I will also keep you updated with info about table sales and anything else I'm doing at book festivals as and when I know the details myself.  In the coming weeks, you can expect to hear from Elisabeth Dunleavy, author of No Way Home and Gianette Murray, author of A Supernatural Shindig and a contributor to the Spring Paths anthology.  All of which will be accompanied by some fantastic pics, as always!

So, I wait to see what 2024 can throw my way in the coming months, but I hope you'll join me on my journey...


  1. You are a busy lady. All good and I'm glad to hear Jacques will be back. Anxious to read the next Path anthology.

    1. Lots coming up. Thanks for visiting the blog.
