Tuesday 21 September 2021

I'm very pleased to announce...

*See below for the authors
...that a new anthology has been created and it will be hitting bookstores, your kindles and doormats - if you prefer the real thing - very, very soon.  Read on...

Over the last few months, I've been busily beavering away at another short story.  One that is set in France and that involves a mystery.  Sound familiar?  Sorry to disappoint, but it's not a piece about my usual detective!
I also want to say that I haven't been alone on this project.  I've been working with fellow writers from the other side of the Atlantic - see the pic on the right.
As a group, we have created an anthology of stories that are linked by the single theme of Autumn Paths - which has become our title for the book.
From the germ of an idea to realisation has taken a lot of work and co-operation over the last eight months or so.  And, although we are separated by a vast ocean, I can honestly say that it has felt like my fellow writers were really just in the next room.
As yet, I have not met any one of the other writers in person and Covid is making sure I'm not likely to get the opportunity to do so this year.  But, I've always had a hankering to visit Canada and travel coast to coast, to drive through the Rockies and go to Nantucket Island - and yes, I do know that's in Massachusetts, USA.  But, if you're a regular reader of this blog you will know that a lot of my travels are inspired or prompted by books I've read.  So, just accept that such a journey to the other side of the Atlantic would be the realisation of a great number of 'Book Things' all at once.  And meeting the other writers would be an added bonus if it could happen soon.  But there is always next year or the year after.  And, as I've spent so much time wandering through France because of 'Book Things', I can and do totally believe that I will get there at some point in the not too distant future.  I guess I'll just need an overly large suitcase for all the books!
Oh and my story?  Well, it definitely is a mystery which involves a book seller, a secret and a fascinating discovery.  But, there will be more details about the story behind my story in another post here on the blog next month.
Finally, it gives me the greatest of pleasures to be able to tell you that our anthology, Autumn Paths, has a  stunning cover, a blurb and is almost ready to be launched.

about the book…
Nine writers - Seasonal Collective - from both sides of the Atlantic, including best-selling and award-winning authors, have created this miscellany of stories.
These tales of family, mystery, intrigue, adventure and suspense will take you across continents, through time and space in this world and others.  With a linking theme of autumn, discover new landscapes, encounter new and intriguing characters, uncover secrets and lies, and witness the resolution of old enmities.
Take the first step on this roller-coaster of an emotional journey, and you won't be disappointed.

You can get the book in print or e-format on Amazon

* The authors are :  

Allan Hudson, Monique Thébeau, Chuck Bowie
Yours truly, S C Eston, Angella Cormier
Pierre C Arseneault, Sandra Bunting, Jeremy Thomas Gilmer

There is more information about all of the other authors on Allan Hudson's website the South Branch Scribbler, so just click This Link

More information about the book and the story behind my story can be found here.


  1. Thanks for sharing the news, Angela. A great project and it's been a treat working with you on the anthology. Love your story. When you come to Canada, bring Jacques with you - he's a chap I'd like to meet.

    1. Thanks Allan. Have enjoyed every minute. As for, Jacques, I will ask if he has a gap in his diary!
