Tuesday 12 December 2023

It's the time of year...

Merry Christmas

... when I move away from my computer, my writing and my books and take a break.  So this will be my last post for 2023.  My next post will be on January 9th, 2024.  But, there may be a little surprise for you all at Twixmas - so remember to check back then!

Thank you for reading and following my blog.  I hope the various articles have entertained and informed.

Thank you to all you readers out there who have one or more of my books on your bookshelves or on your Kindles.  I really appreciate the time you've taken to read my simple little stories.  And if you left me a review, thank you again.  Your feedback is invaluable.

And finally, if you celebrate Christmas - and I always do - may your Christmas be a happy one.  May I just wish everyone happiness and peace.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay


  1. Merry Christmas to you also and all good wishes for the New Year. I do read your books and look forward to reading the next one.

    1. Thank you very much. Look out for news of a new book in the New Year.
