... by Maria Thompson Corley …

Go is essentially a romance – which is not my usual choice of book to
read. However, I’m always open to
reading outside my usual genres. The
story is primarily told from Cecile’s point of view, the female lead
character. I really liked her. She’s driven, ambitious, and where her
feelings are concerned, like most of us, confused at times. I liked her sense of humour and humour is
something that can be difficult to put across – but not in this case. She’s a really well drawn character and I
found I was able to identify with her from the outset.
the male lead character, is also fascinating.
Unfortunately, he is from the ‘wrong part of town’. So, the well-run conflict of different class
is here to be explored, and Maria pulls this off. It’s hard to bring new life and energy to an issue that we are all
familiar with, but Maria has done just that and at no time did I find myself
thinking that I’d heard it all before.
the course of the story there are other familiar issues that are explored,
racism, family loyalty, personal ambitions.
All of which are handled sensitively and the points being well, and
subtly made. At no time did I feel
lectured and there were moments when I did put the book down so that I could
consider the issue raised. And in my
view, that’s a bonus if an author can cause you to do that with a book.
I enjoyed the story immensely. The
chemistry between the central characters is there and fair sizzles on the
page! The narrative voice is easy and
carries you along throughout. However,
Maria also uses diary entries, letters and emails to tell the story. At first, I found that this caused the pace
of the novel to drop, but further into the story I had stopped noticing that –
my interest in the individual points of view became much more paramount. There are musical references throughout, which
I found interesting but, when I got to the end I did wonder if it might have
been a bit too much. My only other
misgiving on reaching the end, was that I thought the book was overly
You can find Maria's book on Amazon
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